The Last Dance of Fall

As I look out at this dreary gray and rainy late October morning, visions of November are in my mind. November, one of my least favorite months (with March being the other); so gloomy with little sunshine to warm our bones and brighten our spirits. Even though fall will be with us for another eight weeks, I refer to this time as the last dance of fall. The cool winds coming through over the next few weeks will blow the brown and drying leaves from the trees. As they are pulled from the branches, they will do their last dance as they are tossed through the air. As this transpires I will imagine they are ballroom dancers floating and gliding across the floor; my way of seeing the beauty in this bleak in between time. Once again, we have put into storage all the things we have enjoyed over the summer and early fall. No more relaxing on the back deck in the hot summer sun. Outdoor gatherings are over until the long cold winter passes through; we will have to create our fun in the close...