Slow DownYou're Going Too Fast

My mother has always told me that time goes by much faster as we age. Seems like there are days the world is spinning out of control like a child's toy top. As the realization hit me that the month of July is almost over, her words whispered in my ear reminding me of how quickly the summer is speeding along. We have had many great times with family cookouts, dinner with friends, and more to come, but I find myself wanting to scream out " slow down! I'm not ready for you to be over." Trips to the ocean with children and grandchildren creating memories for them to take home. Dipping my feet into the cool water, or sitting on the beach watching them as they try to ride the waves, taking in their joy and laughter. We will all think of these times together for the rest of our lives; something nobody can take away. Taking the boat out to pull the kids (and adults) on the tube; some wanting to go slow and others looking for a wild ride. If they are lucky they will boun...