The Dining Experience - Not What It Used To Be

When you walk into a restaurant today it seems you can't even hear your own thoughts due to the level of noise. Everyone is talking louder than the person next to them to be heard, or just because they think it's okay to disrupt the dining experience of others. Another downfall of the "it's all about me" era.

Going out to dinner was always a treat, both when I was growing up and for my children. It wasn't something that was done several times a week so it was always appreciated, and we knew how to behave while there. If we didn't act appropriately we were taken out of the restaurant. Many times the adults went out to dinner alone as an evening together without children. Restaurants used to be quiet and peaceful so you could relax and enjoy each other's company and your meal.

I have noticed recently how much things have changed while dining out. Yes, the cost of meals has risen and the portions have shrunk, but those are not what I am referring to.

I raised my children to be respectful of those around them; to use their quiet inside voice when they are in public. Nobody wants to hear about your personal life, listen to your phone conversation, or really cares what your opinion might be on current events. Unfortunately many people have not been taught proper etiquette, or have forgotten how to share public space.

I have no problem with people having a good time and sharing joyful laughter; we all like to have a good time with friends. But if your jovial time becomes so loud that you receive disapproving looks or several requests to keep the noise level down, then you need to rethink your behavior. Other patrons should be allowed to enjoy their meal.

Children joining their parents for dinner is not an issue, as long as they have taught their children how to behave in a restaurant. It's not up to the restaurant staff to keep your children in check as they are allowed to run around or because they are restless and tired. How many times have we endured a crying child that is too tired to be out for a late dinner? If you want to enjoy your meal without having to tend to your children, then I suggest you hire a babysitter so they can stay home.

We expect fast food restaurants to be noisy; they were designed for a quick meal and not a fine dining experience. However, when we make the decision to go out for a more refined dinner, there is an expectation of having the peaceful dining experience we are paying for.

Take note - please leave your cell phones in your car, keep your voices at a respectable level, and then everyone can enjoy their dining experience.


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