Queen For A Day

When I was a child there was a radio and television program called Queen For A Day . It originated on the Mutual Radio Network in New York City on April 30, 1945, then moved to Los Angeles and ran until 1957. The four contestants told their stories of hardship, and the winner would be determined by the amount of applause they received from the audience. The applause was measured by a meter showing the levels that were reached for each contestant. The winner was then draped in a sable-trimmed robe with a jeweled crown placed on their head, and were given a dozen long-stemmed roses as they sat on a velvet throne. She usually wept as they announced the list of prizes she had won. I'm sure this sounds very corny, but remember it was the 50's and at the time it provided a distraction and a dream to housewives everywhere. As I worked myself to exhaustion over the Memorial Day weekend finishing the flower bed, planting the vegetable garden, helping him get the boat in the water, wi...