It's Time For Us To Wake Up

Wake up members of the human race! There is a negative force in play that is working overtime to turn us all against one another, and the sad part is many don't even realize it. Open your eyes to what is happening in our world:
  • We have become a society of I, me and my, and have lost the we, us and our that hold us together.
  • People who feel their opportunities have been taken away are being drawn into messages of hatred and fear that separate us.
  • The negative forces have cunningly pitted us against each other along religious, political and ethnic lines, magnifying our differences.
  • We have "leaders" who are not leading to unify, but to divide. In that division they become more powerful because nobody is paying attention.
  • Those who swore to serve and represent us no longer do so. Afraid to go against their "party" they are not standing up to the false leaders.
  • The messages of hatred and fear are fueling hate groups making them feel empowered; with that false power they do the bidding of the negative forces.
  • Many "leaders" worldwide who are forcing whole segments of their country out, or worse.
I have been told recently, on more than one occasion, that the devil is sitting back and laughing at the destruction he has set in motion. I find it hard to argue this point. We all need to open our eyes and turn the tide. Stop being afraid to stand up. If we choose to do what is right, and not allow the negative to take power and control, then we can turn things around. Our children and grandchildren deserve this.

Perhaps we should heed the words of the following:

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke

"A house divided against itself cannot stand." ~ Abraham Lincoln

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."  ~ Desmond Tutu

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." ~ Proverbs 29:18

Wake up fellow humans - if we work together we can make things right again.


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