Don't Judge What You Can't Understaned

There is much debate today regarding the sexual assault/harassment charges coming out after many years of silence. Some choose not to believe because of the delayed accusations. Considering there are those holding, or running, for political office who have been accused with no repercussion, I guess some might have doubt. I say to those people don't judge what you don't understand. Some of this comes from a difference in how women and men think. I have had conversations with men close to me and they tend to believe the accusations may not be true because the women didn't speak up at the time. I remind them they are thinking like men. They don't know what it feels like to be sexually assaulted or harassed, and fear speaking out. Fear because the person involved is powerful or they may hold your career in their hands. There is also fear that nobody will believe you; that either you "asked" for it, or that you are just out for a monetary settlement. I ask them, ...