Preparing for A Challenge

In a few short months the age of 62 will arrive at my door. Difficult to believe as most days I feel much younger than this, although intellectually I know it is true. There was a time that 62 was considered "old", but today it seems more like middle age.

As this next milestone in life has been growing near, I have contemplated what things I might want to do in my lifetime. There is the usual list such as travel, read more books, write, etc. But when I search deeper into my heart and soul I realize I want to challenge myself more. To do something I have never done.

Much of my decision was based on my daughters. Last year they participated in the World's Largest Women's Only Mud Run - the Dirty Girl 5K Mud Run. Although it wasn't easy they completed the course with their team. The absolute joy that I saw on their beautiful, muddy faces was worth a thousand words, and I was so proud of them. I told them if they signed up this year I would take on the challenge with them.

And here I am; signed up and ready to join them for this event in July. I have been walking on the treadmill all winter which is a regular routine, but I know it will take more than this to be prepared. After all, doing a 5K obstacle course in the mud will certainly be a challenge. So this week I took to the road to build up stamina. Mostly walking to start, with a slow jog added in from time to time. Each walk the jogging gets a bit longer (by seconds) and easier. I guess if I keep moving forward I just might be ready by July.

In so many ways I am looking forward to the challenge. More than that, I cannot wait to spend the day with my girls (and the team) getting dirty in the mud. How can life get much better than this?


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