Down Time

Everyone needs a little down time to re-energize their mind and soul. Some people are good at not only recognizing this, but putting it into practice. I admire and envy them. Although intellectually I know down time is needed, I have a difficult time shutting down even if the opportunity presents itself. As far back as I can remember if I was awake, I was moving. There never seemed to be enough time in the day to accomplish everything. The idea of stopping to sit for a while never crossed my mind - the day was not finished until it was all complete. I am very aware that I am the only one pushing myself to do more. Most would never even know if something was left undone. I have tried to teach my girls over the years that certain things will always be there and it all can't be done in a day. However, I am perpetually driven to keep moving as there is always something that needs to be done. I'm not sure what the driving force is, but perhaps it's a feeli...