
We all need our family, even if we don't want to admit it. They give us a sense of security and belonging, something that all humans need. Unfortunately it seems more and more people are spending far too little time with family.

Many years ago it was common for people to grow up in a town, and remain there after they grew up, got married and had their children. Families got together for Sunday dinners and holidays, or just to stop in and say hello. It was easy as they lived close to one another.

Over the years society became more mobile and people's dreams of living in other parts of the country became reality. Families that once maintained a close bond from being near one another were now scattered in the wind. Connected most of the time only by a phone call (or now by social media). The closeness that once included a hug or a kiss no longer exists.

Unfortunately this close bond that we have allowed to disappear, has robbed our children of that sense of security and belonging. There are no aunts, uncles or grandparents right next door or down the street. The ones who could tell them stories of family history that they could pass on to their children. The ones that would welcome them with a warm hug or kiss to let them know they belong to something unique and wonderful.

Families are unique - both perfect and imperfect in many ways. And they have great value not only to their own family members but to society as a whole. I may be feeling a bit nostalgic for days gone by, but I can't help but believe we would all be better off if families were once again a close knit group. There to support each other every day - to listen, offer advice , or just give a warm embrace.


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