Searching for Solitude

I have never understood when people say they don't like being alone. At a time in my life when I lived alone, someone said to me "Isn't it lonely?" I told them there is a difference between being alone and being lonely.

As much as I enjoy the company of family and friends, for me a day of solitude refreshes my soul. When my senses are continuously bombarded with sound from phones, television and chatter it can be overwhelming. Day after day of this with no break can be almost suffocating. I am unable to let my thoughts flow freely and my creativity is squashed.

Working in solitude is therapeutic. When your hands are busy baking, weeding a flower bed, or doing whatever quiet task you enjoy, it allows the mind to wander. Letting your mind go places it cannot when it is filled with outside noises.

Today everyone is so connected through technology that they never have down time. I believe that each one of us needs time away from the chaos. These quiet moments with your inner thoughts do so much to enhance your life. You can resolve issues that have been weighing you down, and feel your mind clear out making you ready to engage with others once again.

In my case, the times of uninterrupted peace allow creativity to flow. When I am able to do the things I love with silence and only the sounds of nature, I feel alive and unburdened again.

We all need time alone and a bit of solitude to renew our soul.....make sure you are able to find your quiet space every now and then.


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