Destress Your Holiday Season

Each year the holidays seem to become more and more stressful. Between advertising that starts even before Halloween, the pressure to give gifts that nobody needs, and the obligation to try and get the entire family together on Christmas Day it's no wonder people are getting stressed and cranky. And this doesn't even include friends or work events. Instead of feeling merry and bright, we have the bah humbug syndrome. Everyone needs to take a step back and breathe, and remember that they can't do everything in one day. Gifts should not be expected and what is given shouldn't break the budget. And even though we all want to be with family on holidays, sometimes distance can make it a hardship to do so. This year I have decided to try and put the merry back into Christmas. If I can make it a bit less stressful for myself, then maybe it will relieve the stress for others. Perhaps these suggestions will help others too. We will have Christmas with my children and gran...