Today's Vocabulary Lesson

Both here in America, and around the world, there is more political, religious and racial division than I ever remember in my lifetime. Any political party, religion or ethnic group that teaches intolerance or hate for those who do not believe what they do, or look like them, are responsible for creating this toxic environment. They are the ones preaching and protesting the loudest - spreading hate and creating sometimes violent confrontations.

Globally, the first thing that needs to happen is for the conversation to change. Perhaps a vocabulary lesson for all adults to share with the children of the world is a good place to begin. Below are words that we should start with:

Human Being: A member of any of the races of Homo Sapiens; person, man, woman, child.

Community: A group of people living in the same locality with sharing, participation and fellowship.

Compassion: Deep awareness of the suffering of another accompanied by a wish to relive it.

Empathy: The ability to identify with or understand another's situation or feelings.

Tolerance: The capacity for, or practice of, recognizing and respecting the beliefs and practices of others.

Dignity: Quality of being worthy of respect.

Honor: To show respect.

Harmony: A consistent, orderly and pleasing arrangement.

These are all very basic words, and none of them represent intolerance or hate. We need to encourage people to embrace their definitions, and apply them to daily life.

Right now when things seem to be at their worst, is the time to turn the tides. If not then I fear what my children and grandchildren will face in the years ahead. A world void of human compassion, tolerance and harmony?

There are many who thrive on the negative, and want to live in a toxic environment. We can choose to be a part of the problem by being complacent and allowing this to continue, or we can be the ones to create positive change. What impact will your actions have?


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