Faith, Hope, Love and Prayer

Watching the news today often brings much disappointment and despair as I see events taking place in this country, and around the world. So much hatred, or mean spiritedness, seems to have taken over our society. People somehow feel they have the right to say whatever they are thinking without taking time to think through how it sounds. The words go directly from their head to their mouth without stopping at a filter. All of this sets us up for a world where nobody cares about their friends, neighbors or the strangers they encounter each day. Perhaps this is exactly what our world leaders are hoping for. If people are not paying attention to what they are doing, then it will enable them to do exactly as they please without thinking of the consequences for their citizens. There are times that I'm glad I won't be around in 30 years, when what seems inevitable happens from events being put into motion now. At times the fear and sadness in my heart, for my children and grandchildre...