Integrity - A Quality That We Should Expect
Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Not enough value is placed on integrity today. Those in a position of influence, who should be displaying this characteristic are choosing to behave in a manner that is amoral or unethical. It seems that each decade it has progressively gotten worse as nobody seems to be holding them accountable for their actions. When did we decide as a society that integrity doesn't matter? Somewhere along the way deceit, corruption, disgrace, and dishonor have become the norm for many. They have no problem bullying, chastising and mocking others in public, on television and also social media; calling it their "truth". The sad thing in all of this is that we have either become immune to, or beaten down, by this behavior. Our children deserve to have better role models, and we should demand it from those in a position to influence them. People of integrity do exist in our communities and we see ...