Family, Genoa and Bologna

After saying goodbye to Milan, we continued our journey heading to Offlaga, Italy which is a town in the province of Brescia, in Lombardy. We looked forward to spending time with the first of many cousins on this vacation.

The trip was not too long and took us along country roads dotted with farms. It is a much quieter, rural area then the hustle and bustle of Milan, and you will share the roads with large farm equipment every now and then. A relaxing ride after the city and a good way to feel refreshed for our visit.

We arrived just before lunch and were greeted by Alessandro's wife, Lucia, and her daughter's boyfriend, Luca. Although John speaks Italian, I do not. In spite of this, we do manage to understand one another for the most part. After his cousin woke (he works a late shift), we visited until his daughter, Luna arrived home. Luna and Luca speak English fairly well, so I was able to converse with them more easily. It is wonderful to see them get together again after five years. There is a lot of joy, and stories to tell, with a lot of laughter mixed in. Luna wondered if I knew what John was saying as he told one of his stories. I let her know that although I did not know many of the words he was saying, I could understand which story he was telling by his tone and mannerisms. 

We headed out for lunch at a small restaurant not too far from their home. We had a very leisurely and delicious meal filled with pasta, seafood, bread, wine and much more. There is nothing better than enjoying a great meal while listening to the melodic sound of the Italian language swirling around you. It is a very warm, welcoming feeling.

After returning to their home, we visited for a while longer before hitting the road again. It was difficult to say goodbye, but we needed to move on to Genoa as we were going to try and see his cousin Armando.

Genoa, what can I say? It is very crowded and congested, and finding our Airbnb was no easy task. After climbing an extremely steep street, with cars parked on both sides, and barely enough room to drive through, we finally connected with our host. He had us park in a very small, gated parking lot and then said we had to walk down the street. It was down the street, up through another locked gate, up another hill to the locked condo building, and into the elevator that needed a key. You needed a road map just to remember which key unlocked what door, elevator, gate, etc. The worst part, we had to go back to our car to get what we needed for the night. I thought he was going to have a heart attack before we got back into the condo. Needless to say, we did not go back out. Unfortunately, his cousin Armando was not there when John called him - he was in Sardinia working.

Our next stay would be in Tuscany, however, we decided to take a small detour to stop in Bologna. A few sights, and a nice peaceful lunch, then we were on our way.

Family ❤️

Porta Galliera (City Gate)

Staircase at Parco Della Montagnola

Old City Walls of Bologna


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