Push Through

Some days the sunshine will not grace our door, and it will be hard to find our way. When our minds feel the clouds and fog, we must push through to the other side. When we are faced with a day filled with to-do's, the list can become daunting and overwhelming. With determination we can make light work of it all, and push through to the other side. There will be times when we feel down, and self-pity can easily move in. Don't linger there for too long, just push through to the other side. Days will come when we feel lonely, even though we may stand in a crowd. If we reach out to those we are close to, we can push through to the other side. Holidays arrive with much joy and a bit of sadness too, as gatherings feel the absence of loved ones we have lost. If we share our memories of those gone but not forgotten, we will be able to push through to the other side. Life brings with it many experiences and emotions, the ups and downs that we all live through. Although we may stumble n...