Circumstances and Change

In our adult lives we will find our circumstances changing many times based on what stage of life we are in. Events that change circumstances include marriage, having children, career obstacles or health issues. We all have a tendency to get very comfortable with the status quo in our daily lives. Because of this comfort level we may not be conscientiously aware when are teetering on the precipice of collapse. This lack of recognition can leave us feeling unsettled and unable to move towards potentially positive changes. It can be difficult to see when we have reached the end of our purpose in different areas of our lives. If we cannot stop long enough to analyze where we are and what is causing our lives to feel out of control, then we cannot contemplate what needs to change. There are times that we fight change out of fear of the unknown. What if where we are headed is not an improvement from where we are now? What if we can’t adapt? What if we fail? All legitimate fears tha...