Who Do You Blame?

The blame game has become more prevalent, and more dangerous to our country over the past year. Fueled by hate speech from the top, telling people who to blame for all that is wrong in their life, the division that has been created should have everyone deeply concerned. We have a choice to either reject the hatred and work towards creating a better world, or sit back and allow things to deteriorate even further. Once again I ask, "who do you blame?" When our lot in life is not as we envisioned it's easy to find someone to blame for this. Circumstances in our lives sometimes play a role, but the biggest culprit is the economy. When the increase in the cost of living has outpaced the increase in wages, it's a recipe for disaster. What ensues is the finger pointing game. Those with money and power will try to tell us who we need to blame for our financial troubles. Over and over they will spread hatred and fear to divide us along racial, economic and religious lines. ...