Caveat Emptor

Caveat Emptor - Let the buyer beware.

If you watch the news, or even commercials produced by law firms, it's abundantly clear that many big corporations are being sued. Some of the products that they manufacture and sell have either caused harm, or even death, to those who have used them. Either they were not well tested, or they made the decision to put them on the market first and thoroughly test later; money talks as they say.

If these companies did manufacture and sell a product that they knew was unsafe, then they should be held accountable. The health and safety of the public should always come before their profits. If big companies are forced to compensate the victims of their carelessness or deceptiveness, they may just do what's right in the future.

However, there is the old saying "buyer beware", which basically means that we all should do our own due diligence in reviewing a product before we purchase and use it. We can't always take it for granted that someone else has our best interests in mind when they are trying to make a profit. We need to educate ourselves to ensure we purchase wisely and safely. Knowledge is wisdom.

There is also some assumed risk when using certain products; assumed because it's common knowledge that there is risk involved with using them. One that comes to mind is vaping since it's in the news so much today. The companies selling these products should definitely have clear warnings on the side effects, and they certainly should not be sold to children, but we all know that vaping can't be good for us. It may not have all of the same risk factors as cigarettes, but the only way to produce the product is with chemicals. Everyone knows that chemicals introduced into the body are detrimental to our health.

There is plenty of blame to lie at the feet of those who manufacture harmful products, and they either need to start doing what is right for the public, or continue to be held financially responsible for their actions. As consumers, we need to take responsibility for our own actions if we choose to use a product we know is, or may be, harmful to us. If we have all the facts regarding the risk involved, we can't cry foul after the damage is done.


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