This Is A Test

No matter how much you love someone, if you have ever had to play nurse maid to them after an injury, you know that it will test the strength of that love. Even the best of us have our limits when it comes to the added stress to our mental and physical health. In less than one year I have had to play nurse maid due to injuries he has sustained. Last spring it was surgery on his Achilles tendon, and now he has a broken right arm (he is right handed). Now, this would be difficult enough with most men, but if you live with an Italian man it's a whole different world. On a good day, when they are healthy, they can be demanding enough. Let's face it, their mothers have made these Italian men think they are the greatest gift ever. In their mind they can't imagine that anyone wouldn't want to take care of them - after all it must be a joy to do so. Of course they don't realize they are delusional. Add to this an injury and your life is no longer your own. It was diff...