Appreciating the Good Days

Human nature makes it very easy to take the good days for granted. Somehow we are lulled into believing they will always be there and don't take the time to appreciate every moment. Then, when the unexpected happens, we are jolted into reality. Everyone has issues that come up in their lives which makes for some difficult days. When we are thrust into these it is almost impossible to remember the feeling of the good times. Too easy to dwell on the things that go wrong or which make life a battle. When something occurs in life that throws a curve, and causes us to struggle, it's very easy to sink into the lows. We can find ourselves feeling self-pity and asking why me? Being envious and thinking everyone else has it so much easier. The reality is, no matter who you are, you will have your bad days and difficult times too. With age comes wisdom as the saying goes. When it seems there are more years behind us than ahead of us we tend to look back and remember the good days. ...