How Companies, Large and Small, Are Missing the Boat

I have not only held administrative positions during my career, but have also run my own small business. Over the years I have worked for large corporations and small companies. Both of them tend to make the same mistakes. Some of the reasons these errors are made; no proper chain of command, training deficiencies and lack of defined roles. Many in administrative roles also micro-manage. They may want to have someone else do a project or task, but can't let go and allow them to do it. What follows is what I observed while in the employment of some of these companies: No defined roles for employees, and no back-up for absences. Too many hands touching the same thing, which not only produces a repetition of work, but leads to greater chances of error. Not enough employees to properly handle the work load which causes burn-out, and lack of loyalty. No proper training programs. No written instructions for how a task needs to be comp...