The Nature of the Beast

Sometimes it appears that we are never happy with what we have or the way things are. If it is cold we want hot, if it is dry we need rain, if it is raining we want sun, etc., etc. We always want the opposite of what we have, or feel that we do not have enough. Just the nature of the beast or so it seems. I'm not sure why people are not content with their life as it is. Perhaps it comes from the never ending desire to do and have more than those that came before us. Or maybe the constant onslaught of commercials telling us all the latest and greatest things we just need to have to make our life complete. Whatever the reasons are, we are short changing ourselves from living in the moment and truly enjoying the life we have. If we slow down and take in our surroundings then the realization may come that we truly do not need more. More things will not make us happy and they won't necessarily improve our life. If we look at the things we have acquired over the years we wi...