
Showing posts from March, 2013

Walking Your Way to a Healthier You!!

So....once again I have been watching TV as I walk my treadmill, and apparently now there is a new laser technique to remove inches off your body. Immediate results with no work by you. If you do not change the way you are eating, do you just go back for another procedure when you put the "inches" back on??? How many ways can they find to tell people you don't have to change your lifestyle or eating habits, but still lose all the weight you want? They either want to sell you their packaged food, or some new medical technique to change the way you look overnight. No exercise required and you can eat what you want. They try to make it look so easy, and it is not. And they are getting rich doing this. You can however, make some simple changes that will start you on the road to a healthier you and it won't cost a fortune. The best thing I ever did was to start walking. Not everyone has a treadmill, but walking outside is free and you can star...

Women Have Curves

Yes.... women have curves. It is sad to see the modeling industry and the media portraying "beautiful" women as those who are very thin with little shape. What a negative message they are giving to young girls who are not built this way. Making them strive to reach something that is unattainable unless they starve themselves. It is no wonder that there are so many young women with eating disorders. There are women who have a very slender build, but most women have shapely curves. I know I am giving away my age, but back in the 50's women like Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Jane Russsell, Jayne Mansfield, Rita Hayworth......they all had curves. They were the beauties of their day, and their image is what young girls strived for. When I see photos of these women today I still see them as extremely beautiful. Their look is the positive image that young women today should see on the fashion runways, and in movie...

Never Stop Dreaming!

When we are children dreams of our future and what we will be "when we grow up" are endless. Our imaginations are filled with all the possibilities of what life will bring to us - so many doors open to choose from. It never occurs to us that we would not be able to do anything we choose to do. As we grew into adulthood many of us lost our ability to dream. Somewhere along the way these dreams seemed to dim, and there are many reasons for this. Part of it is that we lose our child like wonder as we grow up, and along with that our imagination fades. However, one of the biggest reasons  for the loss of our dreams are those who tell us we are foolish to think we can. They have lost their ability to dream and be open to all the possibilities, and in doing so they try to bring us with them. If they cannot achieve their dreams then how can anyone else? We need to stop letting others squash the dreams of our children, and encourage them to soar as high as their imagina...

What's for Dinner Tonight? Avgolemeno!

Image boyfriend came home from work a while back raving about this Greek Lemon Chicken Soup that a co-worker had let him try. A recipe she had grown up with in her family. Since I love to try new things I told him that I would find a recipe for this soup so he could have it at home. I think he was doubtful that I could make this wonderful Greek soup since I am Scottish, Irish & American Indian. Not sure what that has to do with cooking, but I guess he figured I could never do it justice. I did my usual search and of course found what I was looking for (Avgolemeno - Chicken Soup with Egg-Lemon Sauce), and went shopping for the needed ingredients. When he arrived home for dinner the aroma of this wonderful soup was is the air. Served with nice warm rolls, he eagerly dived into the bowl of soup. By the end of the meal it was rave reviews for the chef! The recipe follows and I hope that some of you will give it a try.   ...

A Visit to The Fairy Farm

What a beautiful day it was to visit The Fairy Farm!! One of those early spring days with bright sun to warm your bones - the kind that makes you long for many more. My wonderful friend, Theresa LaBrecque, is an amazing artist with a kind soul who welcomes you into her world. Each spring she announces the arrival of the baby goats and extends an open invitation for all to come and see these adorable animals. Once you arrive and start to explore you will find you lose track of time because it is so relaxing and fun.   While there you will not only see the baby goats, but also her unicorn Atlas. He loves the company and becomes a part of the goat tour by following you into the barn. Today I brought him an apple which he quickly made disappear. I suspect I now have a friend for life.      Theresa's artwork is very whimsical and fun. In her gift shop (open late spring through fall) you will find everything fr...

Even the Strong Need a Hand

 We all have times when things do not seem to go as planned, whether it be in our personal relationships or our work. I have always believed in being a strong person and facing what life brings my way. As my children were growing up, there were two things that I told them. 1. The things that did not break them would only make them stronger. 2. When you get pushed down by life, you pick yourself up and put one foot in front of the other and move forward. Of course there is also a third one my boyfriend has shared with them: You can eat an elephant one bite at a time. Although at times it is hard not to choke on each bite. Even as I have been (and raised my children to be) strong and self reliant, I have also become more realistic as I age. Nobody can do it alone all the time, and asking for help during the most difficult times does not make you weak. The strongest person needs a helping hand from time to time. And a wise pe...

Anticipating Spring

March has arrived with her usual mixed bag of weather, wind and gray skies. Even though our mind tells us that we are coming to the end of the winter season, it is hard not to be discouraged when we hear of more snow, sleet or freezing rain. The days are progressively getting longer and the extended daylight is great. It is amazing how much more energy we have with the longer days. One more week and Daylight Savings Time will begin, and once this takes place it will seem as if we are on a race out of winter. I am so ready for spring to arrive! To see sunny days and feel its heat warm my body and soul is so invigorating. The birds will start to make their way back from southern climates and their song will be like a symphony. The April showers will melt the remainder of the snow, and then we will see the flowers start to push their way up through the soil and reach for the sun to thrive. Those first flowers of the season are a beautiful vision to behold. I think of ...