Winter Wonderland

We are finally having our first significant snowfall of the season - on December 27th. Certainly not a typical New England winter. On a normal year we would have had many storms by now, and many feet of snow piled high.

Growing up I can remember days and days of snow with 2 or more feet during that time. The snow banks would be so high that you could not see to pull out into the street (if you dared venture out at all). We would have to inch out slowly and hope that nobody would come along and clip the front of the car.

We would have 2-3 days with no school. Just time to play out in the snow for hours on end. Funny how the cold does not bother us when we are young. We would only come in to change into dry clothes and back out we would go. Having snow ball fights, making snow forts and tunnels, using our metal saucers to slide down whatever hills we could find. It did not matter if it was a small "hill" we made ourselves from the freshly fallen snow. Playing King of the Hill. No TV or video games and we had a blast using our imagination. Finding plenty to occupy our time and it was all outdoors where we got fresh air and burned off excess energy. No time to be bored.

I'm sure my mother was not thrilled with the piles and piles of wet clothing that came in with us. However, she must have enjoyed the quiet time in the house while we were busy outside, and I'm sure we went to bed early after exhausting ourselves in the fresh air.

I hope today, and through the upcoming weekend, parents send their children out to play in this freshly fallen snow. To use their imaginations and do all the fun things you can do in the snow. Maybe they can even join them and become children again even if just for one day. What a wonderful gift for you and your children!


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