Give Us a Chance to Breathe

It was bad enough that we had to endure months of non-stop political ads. Not sure how things were in your state, but NH literally had nothing but political ads, one after the other, each one worse than the last. Once the polls closed the ads finally ceased, and I was hoping for a brief respite before the holiday ads began. I could not have been more wrong. BAM!! Before we even had time to breathe the first Christmas ad was aired. Commercials may be necessary in order for networks to air programs, but sometimes they seem to take up more time than the show. It appears that retailers can't find enough ridiculous ads to bombard us with in an attempt to have us spend money we don't have. Trying to convince everyone that their family and friends need the latest toy, gadget, fashions or technological breakthrough. And who, may I ask, are the people out buying someone a new car for Christmas? Must have far more money than I do. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas, but not because...