Preparing for the Season of Slumber

With the recent cooler weather, I have found myself making a mental checklist of all that needs to be done in preparation for the winter season. So many tasks that I wonder if there will be enough time to complete them before snow falls. October rolled around and the tomatoes, peppers and eggplant were picked, then the withering plants were pulled. Recently, the rest of the garden finally succumbed to the colder temperatures and the last of the potatoes were harvested. In spite of the cold temperatures the herbs have not quite let go. I am always amazed at how hearty they are and how they fight what will come. My flower bed held on far longer than in the past, and Bees visited to collect nectar as long as the flowers continued to thrive. Alas, the last of the annuals were pulled and the perennials covered for the cold weather ahead. I will cherish my memories of the colorful floral display that I enjoyed spring, summer, and fall. Outdoor repairs that had been put off were fi...