
Bone-weary, worn out, dog-tired, bone-tired, drained, and fatigued. We all feel tired at times, but there are distinct kinds of tired. We can be tired from physical labor which I refer to as a good tired. Then there is bone-tired; a tired so deep that no amount of sleep alleviates the exhaustion. Engaging in physical activity is not only good for our body, but also for our mind. While we are diligently working with our hands, it allows our mind to wander and let any troubles float away or resolve themselves while we work. A clear mind sometimes gives us the answer to our worries. When we are done, we feel that good tired which allows us to sleep peacefully. There are many things we all deal with on a daily basis. We may get tired from work, children, and daily routine, but most of the time we are able to manage them without too much trouble. Once we are able to get a good night of rest, our energy level is normally renewed. The next day we are ready to start all over again. Stress from...