Social Media and the Decline of Respect

I wrote this blog back in 2015 and being naïve I was hopeful that things would not deteriorate further; unfortunately, I was wrong. When I hear about incidences of not only professional people being harassed and bullied, but also young children and teens, it breaks my heart. I will never understand how anyone can feel that it is acceptable to hide behind social media to make someone feel horrible about themselves, or to destroy their lives. I ask myself, what kind of monster are they? The truth is they are cowards who become brave when hidden behind a computer screen. With all of this in mind I am sharing the blog once more. Engage your children in conversations about this topic, monitor what they are doing on social media, and make sure they let you know if any of this behavior is being directed at them. We need to make this stop, and it is our responsibility as adults to ensure it does. Respect - noun \ri- ˈ spekt\ 1. : a relation or reference to a particular ...