Beat the Holiday Blues

The Holiday Blues are defined as temporary feelings of anxiety or depression during the holidays. It’s not surprising that many people tend to experience the holiday blues. We no more than get through Halloween, and the onslaught of holiday shopping commercials begin. Black Friday is no longer delegated to just the Friday after Thanksgiving; oh no, we now have early Black Friday sales. You don’t have to wait until that one day to start spending your money. Then there are the school parties for children, and work parties for adults putting expectations on us. Gifts for exchanges, food items to donate, and obligations to contribute to a holiday luncheon not only create additional work, but also a financial burden. Not everyone can afford to spend money on these things; they struggle just to have enough to spend on their own family. The holidays should be spent enjoying time with family and close friends. We need to stop taking on unnecessary burdens that detract from the real spirit of ...