Saying No to Black Friday

Black Friday - just the name conjures up visions of a bad day. I am baffled as to how anyone can find the chaos of this day enjoyable. The name Black Friday originated before 1961 in Philadelphia and was used to describe the extremely heavy pedestrian and vehicle traffic on the day after Thanksgiving, and became more widely used outside of Philadelphia around 1975. It was later used by retailers, who traditionally operated at a financial loss ("in the red") from January through November, and "Black Friday" indicated the point at which they began to turn a profit ("in the black"). Over the years Black Friday became extremely popular as the day to start your Christmas shopping. It remained that way for many years, but then things changed. All of a sudden it was not the Friday morning after Thanksgiving that the stores were open and started the "big" sales - they were now open at midnight on the day after Thanksgiving. And from there retailers d...