Fly Away

When end of winter seems to hang on, and the cold winds chill to the bone. Close your eyes to block it out, fly away to sunny warm days. When world events seem to crush your soul, making life seem a heavy weight. Disconnect from the negative forces, fly away to a world filled with peace. Each day as you go through the motions, of caring for everyone you love. When it all becomes too much for you, fly away to tranquil solitude. At times when there is little connection, to friends who live far away. Take time to call and reconnect, fly away to the shared memories. When your children now have children, and busy lives get in the way. When time spent together is more elusive, fly away to earlier days of family fun. When the game of life rushes by, and the last quarter comes into view. Cherish each milestone and memory, fly away to embrace each day of your life.